Message from the President: Sara Bakhtary, MD

Dear Members,

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as President of the California Blood Bank Society (CBBS). As a transfusion medicine physician with over a decade of experience in California hospitals, I am deeply committed to CBBS’s mission to educate, develop, and inspire healthcare professionals in transfusion medicine and cellular therapy. I find myself endlessly motivated by the dedication of our members, partners, and the communities we serve.

CBBS has been invaluable to my own career, providing professional relationships that have profoundly shaped my journey through mentorship and lasting friendships. This year, we are dedicated to revitalizing CBBS through increased member engagement and a fresh new brand identity, while maintaining the high standard of our educational offerings. Our renewed focus on member engagement will create more opportunities for networking, mentorship, and professional development. This will ensure CBBS remains a vital platform for knowledge exchange, fostering innovation and collaboration in transfusion medicine and cellular therapy.

I extend my sincere gratitude to the past and current Board members and the CBBS membership for entrusting me to work alongside all of you to advance our mission of education and inspiration, with the ultimate goal of improving patient care throughout California and beyond.

Together, we will create an even brighter future for CBBS. I look forward to collaborating with each of you to continue building a vibrant and impactful organization. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with your thoughts, suggestions, or questions.


Best regards,

Sara Bakhtary, MD
President, California Blood Bank Society


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